New Open Source Technology!
As project lead for the open source Glia tourniquet since early 2022, OSMS has been privileged to collaborate with Glia and University of Western Ontario FAST Research Group on a new, first-in-the-world open source technology- a low-cost, 3D printed tourniquet tester.
Deep research into the tourniquet industry and decentralized maker groups showed us that no open source standards for tourniquet unit testing existed, commercial testers were prohibitively expensive, and both industry and medical professionals had a wide interpretation of end-point clinical parameters and testing methodology. This information gap prevented end-users receiving novel tourniquets (either donated or locally manufactured) from verifying the clinical efficacy of the device in front of them.
In the effort to standardize, centralize, and simplify tourniquet testing, FAST Research Group developed this <$100 unit tester- a truly groundbreaking product in a world full of >$500 testing platforms. In addition, Glia tourniquets made by distributed offices in Canada, Poland, Gaza, and Open Works Baltimore were tested on the device, all results being clinically relevant and featured on the page 7 data table.
OSMS anticipates this tester to be the first in a fully open source tourniquet testing ecosystem- to include further standardization, methodology, and field testing protocols yet to be developed with additional research partners.

OSMS is excited to showcase ongoing progress with Glia Poland, the office creating an open source, desktop injection mold tourniquet production line. Via sponsorship from Public Invention, the first fully injection molded tourniquet prototype has been produced, and all documentation is curated on the project’s GitHub. Glia Poland is finalizing polymer research and unit testing and is funded to distribute 800-1000 tourniquets into Ukraine.
The impact of this project is far-reaching, as small-scale injection molding is currently an underrepresented niche in the additive manufacturing world. Through Glia Poland’s research and testing, this open-sourced technology creates greater accessibility in the medical manufacturing world for tourniquets and beyond.

Global Open Source Quality Assurance System (GOSQAS) has created a working version of their Asset Provenance Tracker– free software implemented as a website with no login, password, or download required. Users can create a QR code and accompanying URL, which creates a fully encrypted, indelibly timestamped “provenance.”

Project Library Updates
Due to continued air quality reduction from airborne pathogens and wildfire smoke, we have updated seven new projects to the Air Movement & Climate Control Supply Category. All of these additions feature the popular, quiet, and versatile PC fan iteration, a notable evolution from box-fan DIY air purifiers. Although PC fan purifier designs are a bit more advanced and require slightly more build time compared to earlier versions, they create a greater return on maker investment by offering a high CADR rate at a low noise output, thus increasing the chance they will actually be used for the intended purpose- cleaning the air! Check out the variety of design options, including:
- Vehicle-specific
- Mini, portable, and collapsible
- A build collection of narrow, rectangular, 2-sided versions
- A variety of frame components- wood, aluminum, 3D-printed, chipboard, and cardboard
- All designs accompanied by CADR/testing documentation
- As always, the use of DIY air purifiers is supported by this 2023 CDC study.

Public Invention Monthly Meeting
“Join Us for a Special 3rd Thursday Inventors Gathering Night on Oct 19! We are proud to announce that Public Invention has been recognized as a “Lighthouse” by RecognizeGood ( This recognition celebrates our commitment to positive change and innovation in the nonprofit sector.
Introducing GOSQAS – Trust Through Transparency: Our gathering will feature a special presentation on the Global Open Source Quality Assurance System (GOSQAS). In today’s world, trust in open-source medical devices and supplies is paramount. GOSQAS is leading the way with its “Trust Through Transparency” (TTT) approach, ensuring the safety and efficacy of medical devices created from open-source designs.”