The Fastest Response is local

The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted medical supply chains across the globe. In response, local maker communities are fabricating PPE and supplies for medical and social service workers in need. OSMS Local Response supports these efforts.

Image: PUC Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brésil; Marcelo Balisteri

Groundbreaking Impact

Telling the story of the amazing work done by the OSMS community continues to inspire policymakers to support ongoing efforts. Every Friday from March-August 2020, we asked the global OSMS Local Response Network and OSMS Community Facebook Group to report how many items of PPE they had produced. These numbers, while representative, are the best global portrait of local response production during the COVID-19 crisis.

Portraits of Local Response

Community Conversations

The OSMS YouTube channel offers a playlist of topic-specific Local Response discussions ranging from sustainable business practices for producing PPE to a how-to on protection gowns production.

Making a Better Now

This 4-minute documentary celebrates Makers from 15 countries around the world by showcasing the PPE they made and the impact they had; it also provides ways to get involved with local groups.

Make: Plan C Series

Make: Community is an OSMS media ally who has been producing a series of interviews with Local Response groups all over the globe. 

Our Partnerships

Gown Production

OSMS has partnered with the Translation Commons community to localize the OSMS Medical Supply Guide and Local Response Guide into 44 languages. 

Helping Your Hospital

OSMS is a founding member of a new coalition of maker organizations that works with the global maker movement to ensure universal access to PPE and medical supplies by mobilizing local manufacturing capabilities.