Open Source Medical Supplies was established to provide clear, accurate information that empowers individuals and communities to address the challenges they face directly. These COVID-19 Guides are for everyone. Whether you are sewing face masks or just wearing them to the grocery store, the OSMS COVID-19 Guides help you understand what PPE to use where, how to care for yourself or a loved one who is sick with COVID-19, the best Back-to-School practices for classrooms during COVID-19, and how to vote safely during a pandemic.

Home Care

What to do if you have COVID-19


How and when to use personal protective equipment

Holiday Gathering

Safer practices if you’re gathering during the holidays

Back to School

Safe practices for schools during COVID-19

Vote Safely

How to stay safe if you are voting in-person

For deeper background understanding, read more about COVID-19 to better understand the virus.