Protect Healthcare Workers: 3D Printer Groups Race To Help 2020 PPE Shortage – Forbes, March 30, 2020

…In a 12-page document, the Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies (OSCMS) group summarizes the current state of COVID-19, risks with community-based designs, safety, and other concerns for the open source effort. It also lists out a number of useful documents and designs in this document….
Coronavirus supplies are being provided by volunteer engineers – Vox, March 25, 2020

…And some popped in from another widely popular crowdsourcing Facebook group, called Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies. (That group, which now has more than 30,000 members, claims to have identified potential solutions — though some are last resorts and far from health authority-approved medical devices — for about 70 percent of the supplies needed to treat Covid-19, according to Live Science)….
What’s “Plan C” for COVID-19? – Makezine, March 22, 2020

…That leaves us with “Plan C”: groups of independent makers, entrepreneurs and innovators who are organizing online to provide alternative solutions. Many of them are excited by the prospect of creating open designs and rapidly producing ventilators in makerspaces. Individual examples of DIY solutions can be found online, such as a 10-year old design by Clarence Graansma….
Robotics engineer crowd-sources designs for COVID-19 medical supplies to help out-of-stock hospitals – CBC Radio, March 20, 2020

‘All of these people want to help because they’re all shut down — they need something to do’: Gui Cavalcanti
Ever since the virus that causes COVID-19 appeared, the global supply chain for medical devices has been strained and the solutions aren’t obvious.
In Canada and the U.S., governments are taking action to mobilize…
Calling All People Who Sew And Make: You Can Help Make Masks For 2020 Healthcare Worker PPE Shortage – Forbes, March 20, 2020

If you want to rally the world to your cause, think like a little bird and tweet. Hospitals and doctors are reaching out via social media to ask for mission-critical help in solving the shortage of N95-type masks during the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Rally is probably not the right word. A significant movement, perhaps even a revolution of epic noble intentions, is underway in hackerspaces, makerspaces, and sewing groups to come together and solve a problem to save lives at risk with the Coronavirus.
You can help. Today, right now….
The Futuristic Solutions The Internet Is Crowdsourcing to Cure Coronavirus – Newsweek, March 18, 2020

In an effort to combat the spread of the new coronavirus, hackers all over the world have engaged in a marathon session to try to find ways to keep the virus from spreading.
A Facebook group called Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies, which consists of …