Submit a Project

One of the unique aspects of Open Source Medical Supplies is our Project Library. This library contains over 110 medical device and supply designs that span 38 categories – and they are all open source and created by the OSMS Community. If you have a design that is not featured in the library, we want to see it! But before you submit your design please do the following:

  • Register with OSMS Local Response
    Registration will allow you to connect with your peers using the OSMS Local Response communication channels, and is an invaluable resource for group leaders and project designers.
  • Review Existing Designs
    Visit the OSMS Project Library to see what is already there. If your design is an improvement on an existing design, or is a new original design, please consider submitting it for review.
  • Visit the OSMS Facebook Community
    The Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies Facebook group is a great way to get feedback on your project from a community that has over 73,000 members – many of whom have created and designed PPE and medical supplies.
  • Prepare Documentation
    Have technical documentation, design specifications, and photos ready to share – ideally, these will be publicly available with appropriate licensing, as OSMS elevates open source designs that are available to the public.

Please note that this form is for a single project only. If you have multiple projects, please fill out a separate form for each one. The OSMS medical team will reach out if they have further questions about your project. If you have questions before submitting, please send an email to